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Removal of Incomplete Grade

An Incomplete grade may be removed by completion of the deferred work. A student should not reregister for the course in order to remove the Incomplete. An Incomplete received during a semester or in summer session must be removed within six months from the last day of examinations in the term in which the course was taken. Current deadlines for removals of Incompletes are published below, each semester in the Registration Guide, and on the University Registrar’s Web site.

An Incomplete not removed within this time limit is automatically converted to an F by the University Registrar. A graduating senior who incurs an Incomplete and who has completed all requirements and enough semester hour credits and grade points to graduate may do so even though the Incomplete grade is outstanding. If the Incomplete is not removed within the required six months, it will be converted to F at the end of that period of time. When an Incomplete is removed, it may be replaced by A, B, C, D, F, or, in certain designated courses, P, NP, S, or U.

Incomplete Removal Deadlines

Incomplete grades must be removed by the deadlines stated below or they will be automatically converted to F on the student’s academic record.

Spring 2010

Incomplete grades earned during spring 2010 must be removed by November 12, 2010.

Summer 2010

Incomplete grades earned during summer 2010 must be removed by January 31, 2011.

Fall 2010

Incomplete grades earned during fall 2010 must be removed by June 14, 2011.

Spring 2011

Incomplete grades earned during spring 2011 must be removed by November 4, 2011.

Summer 2011

Incomplete grades earned during summer 2011 must be removed by January 31, 2012.

This page was last updated on June 9, 2010.