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UNCG Grading System for Undergraduates


Excellent—indicates achievement of distinction and excellence in several if not all of the following aspects: 1) completeness and accuracy of knowledge; 2) intelligent use of knowledge; 3) independence of work; 4) originality.


Good—indicates general achievement superior to the acceptable standard defined as C. It involves excellence in some aspects of the work, as indicated in the definition of A.


Average—indicates the acceptable standard for graduation from UNCG. It involves such quality and quantity of work as may fairly be expected of a student of normal ability who gives to the course a reasonable amount of time, effort, and attention.

Such acceptable standards should include the following factors: 1) familiarity with the content of the course; 2) familiarity with the methods of study of the course; 3) full participation in the work of the class; 4) ability to write about the subject in intelligible English.


Lowest Passing Grade—indicates work that falls below the acceptable standards defined as C but which is of sufficient quality and quantity to be counted in the hours of graduation if balanced by superior work in other courses.


Failure—indicates failure that may not be made up except by repeating the course.


Incomplete—indicates that the completion of some part of the work for the course has been deferred because of prolonged illness of the student or because of some serious circumstances beyond the student’s control.

Concomitantly with the recording of an Incomplete grade, the instructor files with the head of the school or department concerned the student’s average grade and the specific work that must be accomplished before the Incomplete can be removed. Incomplete grades may be recommended by the University physician, the Counseling and Testing Center, and by the Director of Student Academic Services. Also see section “Removal of Incompletes.”


In Progress—indicates that the course work was planned to continue beyond a single semester.


Passing/Not Passing—used for designated courses only; courses graded P/NP are so indicated in the course description.


Special Exam


Withdrawal—indicates a course from which the student withdrew during the first eight (8) weeks of classes; no academic penalty is attached to a grade of W; see also “Dropping Courses.”


Withdrawal with Failure—indicates a course from which the student withdrew after the first eight (8) weeks of classes; a WF is computed in the student’s GPA; see also “Dropping Courses.”


Withdrawal Not Passing—used in courses designated P/NP.


No Credit—indicates an audited course.

This page was last updated on June 9, 2010.